UVA Health Provider Directory
Our provider directory is one of the top-visited sections on our website. That's because patients and families rely on provider profiles to make healthcare decisions. They're more likely to choose a provider with a headshot and biography. As a best practice, we suggest headshots be updated every 3-4 years. There is no limit as to how many studio photos you can take until you are absolutely satisfied.
Requesting Profile or Location Changes
Potential and current patients use the provider profile and location pages to learn more about our providers and the services we offer. To request new profiles, location pages or edits, please submit one of the appropriate forms below:
Headshot Sessions & Locations
As part of your profile on the UVA Health website, having a professional headshot is essential to maintaining a consistent and trusted brand image across our system. To ensure the highest quality, we offer dedicated studio sessions where you can get a headshot that meets UVA Health’s brand standards.
McKim Hall (Charlottesville) - Get your headshot taken; it only takes 5 minutes! Stop by anytime during our open studio hours:
- Friday, March 7th | 8:30am-11:30am
- Tuesday, March 11th | 11:00am-2:00pm
- Wednesday, March 19th | 8:00am-11:00am
- Thursday, March 27th | 10:00am-1:00pm
- Monday, March 31st | 11:00am-2:00pm
The Charlottesville studio is located on the ground floor of McKim Hall, room G045. That's across the hallway from the post office at the bottom of the stairs. For employed providers, if you don't have one, a UVA Health branded white coat can be provided. For independent providers, white coats without the UVA Health logo are available for use.
Community Health (Culpeper, Prince William, and Haymarket) - Get your headshot taken; it only takes 5 minutes! Stop by anytime during our open studio hours or schedule a time using the provided links below (walk-ins are welcome):
- Thursday, March 13th | 9:00am-2:00pm at Prince William Medical Center, façade conference room (click to register)
For independent providers, the attire is a white coat without any branding. Please bring an unbranded white coat if you have one. If you don’t have a white coat without branding, we will update the photo during the editing process so it meets our brand standards.